Regular Schedule:
TROOP MEETINGS: | Every Monday school is in session, 7 pm – 8:30 at First Reformed Church |
PATROL LEADERS COUNCIL: | First Monday of each month, 6 pm (at Troop meeting). |
ADULT COMMITTEE MEETS: | First Monday of each month, 7 pm – 8:30 at First Reformed Church |
BOARD OF REVIEW: | Completed at scout request at Monday Troop Meetings |
Helpful Links:
Youth Protection Training (YPT)
- all unit adult leaders MUST be registered and take YPT
- renewable every 2 years
Merit Badges – consider becoming a counselor for Scouts to work with!
Uniform Guide (in order, from head to toe)
If a Scout chooses to wear a hat, the Troop highly recommends it be the official Scouting hat
Non-Scouting hats are O.K. at troop meetings and campouts, but must be age-appropriate and removed during the Pledge of Allegance, National Anthem, and recital of the Scout Oath, Law, and Outdoor Code

Uniform (Class A/B)

Scouting America’s official uniform (known as a Class A) is worn for all ceremonies, formal events, and troop meetings
- includes a tan shirt with appropriate patches
- Scouts should wear their neckerchief and slide and keep the uniform neat and properly fitted

The Class B uniform is a more casual version of the Scout uniform, typically consisting of a troop or Scouting-related T-shirt, worn with the appropriate shorts or pants
- Scouts often wear the Class B during informal events, service projects, campouts, and activities where comfort and durability are important
- A Class B uniform still represents the troop, promoting unity and Scout spirit while allowing flexibility for active participation
Scouting America provides an official Badge Placement Guide to help the Scout know/understand what patches are required and where they go, with a few examples:

Troop 354 highly recommends Scouts to wear the official Scouting America pants, which has several pockets and can turn into shorts via zipper
Jeans are also allowed to be worn, but must have the Class A tucked into them at meetings and formal events

Scouting America offers official socks
Otherwise: durable, warm socks are recommended for campouts and activities
Shoes should be close-toed and appropriate for the activity, such as hiking, backpacking, or cycling

Adult Organizational Structure and the “Chain of Command”
The adult leadership structure of Troop 354 is designed to provide strong support and guidance while ensuring that the troop remains Scout-led. This organizational structure is designed in a way that coordinates with the national council’s “Key 3” approach.
At the top of this chain we have the Chartered Organization Representative (COR), who serves as the liaison between a unit and it’s sponsor. Furthermore, the COR approves the selection of the Scoutmaster (SM) and Committee Chair (CC) respectively. They are also made aware of positions appointed by the Scoutmaster and/or Committee Chair.
On one hand is the Scoutmaster, who oversees the youth and delegates responsibilities/functions to the Assistant Scoutmasters (SA). They work directly with the youth’s senior leadership along with the Junior Assistant Scoutmaster (JASM), who provides guidance and serves as a bridge for all activity status/communications.
On the other hand is the Committee Chair (CC), who runs the Troop Committee and functions “behind the scenes” to help the troop run efficiently. The Committee Chair appoints a Secretary and Treasurer, both of whom must be confirmed by the other committee members via majority vote.
The Committee Members and Unit/College Scouter Reserves vote, provide input, and support the committee when they are asked to.