Troop Committee Meeting
First Reformed Church 3060 Wilson Ave SW, Grandville, MIAgenda: all “position-trained” committee members will discuss and vote on new troop bylaws and operations manual
Agenda: all “position-trained” committee members will discuss and vote on new troop bylaws and operations manual
Agenda: discuss volunteer/leader opportunities outside the program, check rank advancement, prepare for 12/16 COA
Agenda: meal prep and duty roster for December campout, finalize all advancement (merit badges and ranks) before 12/16 CoA, discuss troop and OA elections in January
Location: TBD
MCs are Wyatt and Xavier: present merit badges, rank advancement, messages from the Scoutmasters, and other special presentations
Meeting has been substituted with a night of sledding, meet at 7 PM, Charlie’s Dump at Rosewood Park, Jenison
Agenda: selection of new Senior Patrol Leader (SPL), reorganization of patrols, applications due for leader positions, OA candidate elections
No troop meeting
Special day set aside each February to recognize the connection between Scouting and faith, honoring the values of duty to God and reverence as outlined in the Scout Oath and […]