Scouting America Troop 354, Jenison MI

Established in 1966

12/28/24: Troop Elections are right around the corner!

Author: Gabriel Gloria, Assistant Scoutmaster

(note: updated on 1/14/2025)

Howdy, Scouts! This is a reminder that the next official Troop 354 Election is set for our second meeting after winter break, January 13th. Election represenatives from the OA lodge will be present, so we will also be conducting our yearly OA candidate election. Keep an eye on your email for more details.

Your candidates for Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) are:

  • Brooks H.
  • Jonathan R.
  • Blake G.

The winner will then select their 2 Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders (ASPLs) and will also be appointing their picks for the following 5 positions: Troop Instructor (TI), Troop Guide (TG), Den Chief (DC), Order of the Arrow Representative (OA), and Outdoor Ethics Guide (OG).

All positions will need to be applied for using the official Troop 354 Leadership Interest form found on the “Current Patrols” page of the website. The only positions that do not require an application are:

  • Senior Patrol Leader (SPL)
  • Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL)
  • Patrol Leader (PL)
  • Assistant Patrol Leader (APL).

We will need at least half of the troop in attendance to conduct this election at the next meeting.

As someone who has served in a lot of positions when I was a youth with the troop, my adivce to you is simple: don’t worry so much about not being the best fit for the position you want. Instead, think on and put together all the ways you can help your fellow youth and the troop as a whole in the position you are going for.

And always rememeber: Troop Elections happen every 6 months, so there is always time to build up your skillset and getting to know your fellow Scouts in order to get the position you want.

Good luck!

12/17/24: Introducing the “Trail Talks” Blog!

Author: Gabriel Gloria, Assistant Scoutmaster

Welcome to Trail Talks, the official blog of Troop 354! This is the place where we will share our troop’s latest adventures, upcoming events, and important updates with Scouts, families, and friends. Whether it’s a weekend campout, a high-adventure trek, or a service project, you’ll find stories, highlights, and lessons learned right here. Trail Talks is more than just a news page—it’s where we celebrate the achievements of our Scouts, keep everyone informed, and showcase the spirit of our troop.

This blog will be managed primarily by our troop Webmasters, with help from the Scribe and Historian. Together, they’ll keep the content fresh, fun, and engaging, while ensuring you never miss out on the action. Stay tuned for exciting recaps of recent outings, details about upcoming events, and tips to help Scouts continue their journey. Trail Talks is for everyone—whether you’re a Scout preparing for your next adventure, a parent looking for updates, or an alum reminiscing about your own Scouting days. We’re excited to share our stories, and we invite you to join us on this journey—because every trail has a story to tell.