Scouting America Troop 354, Jenison MI

Established in 1966

Every role in a Scout troop plays a vital part in ensuring the group runs smoothly and efficiently. This Position Guides page is designed to provide Scouts with a clear understanding of the responsibilities and expectations associated with each leadership position. Whether you’re a Quartermaster, Chaplain Aide, or even a Senior Patrol Leader, these guides offer valuable insights into how to succeed in your role and contribute to the troop’s overall success. By understanding your position, you’ll be better equipped to lead, serve, and grow as a Scout. Explore the guides to find resources, tips, and inspiration for making the most of your leadership journey!

Senior Patrol Leader (SPL)

Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL)

Junior Assistant Scoutmaster (JAM)

Troop Instructor (TI)

Troop Guide (TG)

Order of the Arrow Representative (OA)

Mishigami 29 – Website

Den Chief (DC)

Outdoor Ethics Guide (OG)

Scribe (SC)

*Official T354 Attendance Sheet will be provided in-person*

Quartermaster (QM)

*Official T354 Trailer and Patrol Box Layout guides will be provided in-person*

Librarian (LB)

Historian (HS)

Chaplain Aide

Patrol Leader (PL)

Assistant Patrol Leader (APL)